When to Implement The Lead Carpenter System?
Many contractors have asked me what volume of sales they should achieve before they implement the Lead Carpenter System. Like many other business decisions, it depends upon the reason you want to do it, but it also depends upon the company and the current condition of that company’s business systems. Without that information, answering the question based on assumptions could lead to disaster. Unless you and your company are properly prepared, failure of the Lead Carpenter System might be blamed on the system itself, rather than the business systems that are required to support it. The key is to adjust your business systems to support a true Lead Carpenter System, not adjust the lead Carpenter System to work within your existing business systems.
Best Time to Implement
Overall, my best answer is to implement when you start your company. Initiating the company using the Lead Carpenter System allows the system to grow with the company, and when done well, the company grows because of the system.
Unfortunately, particularly for many of you who might be reading this article, this is not an option because you have already been in business for some time. If this is the case, consider the following before you implement
Get Your Support Systems Ready
Some systems may not yet exist within the business and may become new requirements to successfully support implementing the system. In reactive mode, it is difficult to find the time to create and implement the changes.
Think Profit Before Volume!
I suggest you implement the system to improve the efficiency and profitability at your current volume, regardless of what it is, before you plan to grow.
When Will It Pay Off In Personal And Financial Benefits?
Use of the “already tested” system at my company increased our 1996 sales volume of $980,000 with a total of 8 office and field employees to a 2000 sales volume of $1,700,000 with still only 8 employees. During this time net profit margins remained the same 10% plus each year.
Never Stop Implementing
Implementation of the system is an ongoing effort. Even if your system is the best you have observed in the industry, there is always room and the need for improvement.
For more information about implementing a Lead Carpenter System see:
When to Implement the Lead carpenter System (full article)
Checklist For Implementing The Lead Carpenter System