EPA RRP Rule Updates

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EPA RRP Updates


Checkout the links below to find articles and information discussing the latest  EPA RRP Rule updates.

For the most part, the links are listed in chronological order, with the most recent at the beginning of the list.

 Note: This page last updated on 2/11/16

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf

The Long, Ugly History of the Politics of Lead Poisoning

Flint’s tragedy is shedding light on a health issue that’s been lurking in U.S. households for what seems like forever. But that demands the question: Why has lead poisoning never really been treated like what it is—the longest-lasting childhood health epidemic in U.S. history?

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dp
OMB Clears Online Lead Paint Recertification Training

In a victory for common-sense regulation, remodelers facing a March 31 deadline for refresher training under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting (LRRP) rule can now complete that training online.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
Home Depot Unit to Pay $37K Penalty in Lead-Paint Settlement

"The settlement alleges that the company failed to ensure that waste debris and dust at the project site were properly contained and that the work area was fully cleaned of dust, debris, and residue in accordance with RRP Rule requirements," EPA's Denver office said in an announcement.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf

Christie defends veto to block $10M from fund to prevent lead poisoning

Christie said funding for a program that provides low-interest loans to homeowners to remove lead paint should be decided during budget negotiations with legislative leaders and not through appropriation bills.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf

Baltimore warns that children are at risk of lead poisoning from paint

After seven homes certified as lead-free were found to be contaminated, doubts over inspections mean 384 families have been urged to have their children tested

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpu

Lead poisoning: What everyone needs to know

The more common kinds of exposure are from dust in houses with lead paint, from water contaminated with lead (by passing through old pipes, which is what happened in Flint), or from toys, jewelry, tableware, or home remedies that may be contaminated with lead. These kinds of exposures don’t usually cause symptoms before they cause damage.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf

Untold cities across America have higher rates of lead poisoning than Flint

Data collected by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that over 40 percent of the states that reported lead test results in 2014 have higher rates of lead poisoning among children than Flint.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf

EPA Inspectors to Focus on Lead Paint Safety in St. Louis

Press release: EPA’s inspectors will be focusing on RRP projects in several St. Louis neighborhoods, both to encourage compliance with the law, and if necessary, to take civil enforcement actions to address serious violations.
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf

Lead Paint Poisoning: The Problem for Maine Kids that Won't Go Away

Lead continues to poison thousands of children every year despite it not making regular headlines like it did in the 70s and 80s. In states like Maine, which has the sixth oldest stock of housing in the country, children continue to suffer the damaging effects of lead exposure.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA increasing lead exposure inspections in St. Louis - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510632551-epa-increasing-lead-exposure-inspections-in-st-louis#sthash.GjpQVVOQ.dpuf
EPA increasing lead exposure inspections in St. Louis - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510632551-epa-increasing-lead-exposure-inspections-in-st-louis#sthash.GjpQVVOQ.dpuf
EPA increasing lead exposure inspections in St. Louis - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510632551-epa-increasing-lead-exposure-inspections-in-st-louis#sthash.GjpQVVOQ.dpuf

EPA increasing lead exposure inspections in St. Louis

To ensure that these regulations are followed, EPA inspectors will be taking a close look at projects in targeted St. Louis neighborhoods in the coming months, encouraging compliance and taking civil enforcement actions where it deems necessary. - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510632551-epa-increasing-lead-exposure-inspections-in-st-louis#sthash.rUAO6PE9.dpuf
To ensure that these regulations are followed, EPA inspectors will be taking a close look at projects in targeted St. Louis neighborhoods in the coming months, encouraging compliance and taking civil enforcement actions where it deems necessary. - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510632551-epa-increasing-lead-exposure-inspections-in-st-louis#sthash.rUAO6PE9.dpuf

EPA Inspectors will be taking close look at projects in targeted St. Louis Neighborhoods in the coming months, encouraging compliance and taking civil actions where it deems necessary.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf

Feds Cracking Down on Lead Paint Violations in St. Louis

Inspectors from the EPA are in St. Louis for the next few months, making sure that contractors are following federal lead laws.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf

Maine Towns Struggle With Lead Paint Problem

Maine's aging rental housing stock is loaded with lead - and getting rid of it won't be easy.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf

EPA settles with Kansas City company over violations

The Environmental Protection Agency reached a settlement with Damage Control & Restoration Inc., located in Kansas City, Kansas. In addition to addressing its RRP Rule violations, Damage Control & Restoration has agreed to pay a penalty of $12,194 to the United States.

The Environmental Protection Agency reached a settlement with Damage Control & Restoration Inc., located in Kansas City, Kansas - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
The Environmental Protection Agency reached a settlement with Damage Control & Restoration Inc., located in Kansas City, Kansas - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf
The Environmental Protection Agency reached a settlement with Damage Control & Restoration Inc., located in Kansas City, Kansas - See more at: http://epnewswire.com/stories/510549528-epa-settles-with-kansas-city-company-over-violations#sthash.wXh8MpMc.dpuf

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf

The Toxic Legacy of Lead Paint

(6/13/15) The New York Times hosted an opinion piece from novelist Thomas Beller, who details a lead-poisoning incident his son was exposed to a few years ago and question why there isn't more awareness of the issue. Like many remodelers he supports the idea that it is the homeowners who must be held responsible for instructing their contractors to do the job safely.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf

EPA Inspection Reveals Violations of Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule for Kansas City, Kan., Company

(Lenexa, Kan., June 11, 2015) - EPA Region 7 conducted a random recordkeeping inspection at Damage Control & Restoration, Inc., in Kansas City, Kan., which revealed violations of the Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule. As part of a settlement with EPA filed recently in Lenexa, Kan., the company has agreed to pay a $12,194 penalty to the United States.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf

Stakeholders Voice Frustrations Over Lead Test Kits, RRP Rule

Representatives from remodeling and building organizations on June 4 expressed their frustrations with the  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the lack of reliable lead paint test kits currently on the market.

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf
NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf

NLBMDA Commends the House for Bill Reforming EPA Lead Rule

H.R. 2328 was introduced yesterday by Congressman Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and would reduce the burdens of the rule on the home remodeling and retrofit market, while maintaining protections for pregnant women and young children from lead hazards. (Posted 5/15/15)

H.R. 2328 was introduced yesterday by Congressman Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and would reduce the burdens of the rule on the home remodeling and retrofit market, while maintaining protections for pregnant women and young children from lead hazards. - See more at: http://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood-market-trends/woodworking-industry-trends-press-releases/NLBMDA-Commends-the-House-for-Bill-Reforming-EPA-Lead-Rule-303935631.html#sthash.Nw2FsTbO.dpuf

EPA fines Blue Springs company on lead paint violations

As a part of a settlement with the EPA, Blue Springs Siding and Windows LLC has agreed to pay a fine of $13,566 to the federal government. (Posted May 12, 2015)

EPA Announces Revisions to Lead Paint Programs

Announced on 1/14/15, the public has 30 days to submit comments on these proposaed revisions to the rule.

EPA Reveals RRP Rule Violations in Mo.

Remodeling company pays $5,559 civil penalty to settle allegations.

N.J. Lead Paint Policy Has Problems, Says Op-Ed

This editorial details how New Jersey leaders have plugged budget holes by skimming money from a fund that is supposed to prevent lead poisoning in children.

Lead Paint Fund: Poison Policy

An investigation by the Asbury Park Press found that, over the past 10 years, New Jersey's leaders have plugged budget holes by skimming money from a fund that is supposed to help prevent lead poisoning in children.

EPA Inspection Reveals Violations of Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule for Dynamic Porch and Patio of Independence, Mo.

The RRP Rule requires that contractors that work on pre-1978 dwellings and child-occupied facilities are trained and certified to use lead-safe work ...

Storm Brewing over New Lead Paint Law

Will other states follow Maryland's lead enacting a sweeping new lead paint law affecting rental properties?

CA Firm Fined $51K for Lead-Paint Rule Violations

HVAC specialist cited for renovations to foreclosed homes.

EPA Drops the RRP Hammer on Window Installer

Window installers have become the latest targets in the EPAs crackdown on companies that allegedly fail to follow the controversial lead-paint rule.

Lead-Paint Rule Trips Up CA Painting Firm a Second Time

College Works Painting, a program that gives students a chance to run their own painting company, has been hit with a $39k fine. That's on top of a $32.5k penalty imposed a few years ago.

EPA Inspection Reveals Violations of Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule for Sedalia, Mo., Renovation Company

M&L Construction of Sedalia, Mo., to pay a $9,548 civil penalty to settle allegations that it violated the EPA's lead-paint rules after it was accused of lacking certification and for paperwork violations.

Lowes gets nailed for EPA RRP Violations; is Home Depot or YOU next?

M&L Construction of Sedalia, Mo., to pay a $9,548 civil penalty to settle allegations that it violated the EPA's lead-paint rules after it was accused of lacking certification and for paperwork violations.

Lowes gets nailed for EPA RRP Violations; is Home Depot or YOU next?

Lowes has been ordered to fire any contractor that is not operating in compliance with the RRP Law, to investigate reports of non-compliance and correct any violations. I wonder what will happen to jobs under contract right now. Will some contractors be removed in the middle of a project?

Lowe's to Pay Record $500K Penalty Over Subs' Lead-Paint Rule Violations

Lowe's Home Centers will pay the largest fine levied by the EPA for RRP violations after an investigation of 13 Lowe's stores uncovered poor recordkeeping, the use of uncertified contractors, and improper containment and cleaning of work sites.

EPA Expands Oversight of Lead-Paint Rule

Will remodelers come to dread a letter from the EPA more than one from the IRS?

EPA Announces Plan To Inspect Contractors For RRP Compliance

The Boston EPA Office, in an effort to improve compliance with laws that protect children from lead paint poisoning, has announced it will be sending letters to approximately 200 home renovation and painting contractors, property management companies and landlords in and around New Haven, Conn. announcing a compliance assistance and enforcement initiative.

Settlements Ensure that New England Painting Companies Protect Children from Lead Paint Hazards

EPA Press release: Several recent settlements ensure that New England businesses performing painting and home renovation work are complying with requirements designed to protect children from exposure to lead-based paint during painting and other renovation activities. The settlements also contain financial penalties which must be paid for alleged violations of EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule.


EPA Settles with, Fines 4 N.E. Firms for Lead-Paint Rule Violations

Four New England firms will pay penalties ranging from $2,200 to $30,000 to settle allegations they violated EPA rules for doing renovations that could disturb lead paint. The announcement is one of several signs EPA is stepping up RRP enforcement in the region

PA Firm Paying Up to Settle Lead-Paint Rule Allegations

A manufacturer and installer of windows isn't admitting wrongdoing, but it will pay more than $25,000 to end claims that its employees failed to follow the controversial lead-paint rule

EPA Settles Over Lead Dust Violations At Alaska Governor’s Mansion

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently settled with an Alaska contractor over lead paint violations related to work done on the governor's mansion. The settlement was for $32,000 and a subcontractor on the project was fined $10,000.

Two Contractors Fined and Will Take Action to Protect Children from Lead Paint Hazards under Settlement

(Boston, Mass. – Feb. 18, 2014) – A sub-contractor hired to perform a window renovation project at the former Frisbee School in Kittery, Maine and the general contractor hired to oversee the renovation of the school into a community center, will pay fines and ensure their compliance with requirements designed to protect children from exposure to lead-based paint during painting and other renovation activities.

EPA Fines 35 Contractors and Training Providers for Lead Paint Dust

Cited for failing to minimize lead dust during home renovation activities, the companies now face more than $274,000 in civil penalties.

Current State of the RRP Rule; An EPA performance Report Card

Update on the EPA RRP Rule as of October 2013.   Overall the performance of the EPA has continued to be dismal.

Get Ready, Complying With the RRP Rule Will Get Much More Expensive

Businesses complying with the EPA RRP Rule should plan for increased costs. Due to shortfall of funds EPA to raise the fees related to the rule.

RRP Nightmare-General Contractor and His Subcontractor Both Get Nailed By EPA

GC and his sub find out that ignorance about  the details of the RRP rule are considered by EPA to be excuses, not reasons for non compliance.

EPA: We Have No Plans to Push Creation of Proper Lead-Paint Test Kits

Three years after an upgrade of part of its lead-paint rule took place and still without any kits that meet its tougher standard, EPA says it has neither plans nor resources to promote the creation of kits designed to accurately detect the presence of lead in paint.

Mass. Contractor Hit by $28K RRP Lead-Paint Fine

A Salem, Mass., firm faces a penalty of $28,125 for allegedly violating the EPA's lead-paint rules while working on a school project in Maine.

Paint Makers Go on Trial in California Over Lead Paint

A trial 13 years in the making has begun in California in which 10 cities and counties seek $1 billion from five paint manufacturers. The charge? That they produced lead paint for years even though they knew lead was a health hazard.

Lead-Paint Rule Should Consider the Small Shop

Every little new requirement takes away from precious time available to do my work, remodeler argues

Lead-Paint Rule Is Proof of Federal Micromanagement

Tim Carter, owner of Tim Carter Builder, in Meredith, N.H., wrote this letter to REMODELING in response to "Add It Up," editor-in-chief Craig Webb's "First Word" column in the July edition in which Webb argued that the cost of EPA's Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) lead-paint rule doesn't justify its benefits.

Your Editorial About the Lead-Paint Rule Is Wrong

Bill Thomas, owner of Dominica Remodeling, Otisville, N.Y., wrote the following letter to REMODELING in response to "Add It Up," editor-in-chief Craig Webb's editorial in the July issue in which Webb said the cost of EPA's lead-paint rule doesn't justify its benefits.

Add It Up: On the lead-paint rule, whose needs matter more?

Is it worth spending millions of dollars and remodelers’ hours to protect a relatively small number of kids and pregnant women from lead exposure?

Lead-Paint Rule Backer Rebuts NAHB, Says: Look to Your Own Ethics Code

In his second response to NAHB Remodelers for backing changes to the lead-paint rule, New Jersey remodeler Wayne Baruch says the group's own ethics code should persuade it that seeking to water down the rule's impact is a bad idea. "I guess that NAHB prefers the easy, profit-seeking way out by adopting a lesser standard," he says

McCadden: What's Missing from the Recent Lead-Paint Debate

Groups that complain about the inaccuracy of lead test kits obscure the issue, Shawn McCadden says. He argues that the kits do spot lead; they just don't measure the amount of that lead accurately enough to determine if it’s high enough to trigger lead-safe practices under the rule.

NAHB to Critic: We’re Right for Wanting Lead-Paint Rule Reform

In a response to contractor to a reader's letter to the editor last week, NAHB Remodelers chairman Bill Shaw counters with a letter of his own explaining in-depth why the current lead paint rule is burdensome for remodelers and how the EPA needs to do more to educate the public.

Will We Ever Know if the RRP Serves its Intended Purpose?

If we as renovators, and as an industry, want to believe in and promote awareness and enforcement of RRP, it would be a lot easier to do so if we could point homeowners and skeptical renovators to facts that back up the significance of the problem and substantiate the true number of poisoned children.

Remodelers, Others Poke Holes in Arguments for Extending Lead-Paint Rule

Representatives from remodeling groups and industry associations are giving the Environmental Protection Agency numerous reasons why it should reconsider its plans to extend the lead-paint rule to public and commercial buildings.

Letter to the Editor: Why NAHB, Inhofe Are Wrong About Lead-Paint Rule

In this letter to the editor, remodeler Wayne Baruch calls the NAHB "self-serving" and "short-sighted" for its support of reforms to the lead-paint rule, and he regards the Senate's principal sponsor of the reform bill as a "naive, insufficiently...

Letter to the Editor: Why NAHB, Inhofe Are Wrong About Lead-Paint Rule

Remodeler Wayne Baruch calls the NAHB "self-serving" and "short-sighted" for its support of reforms to the lead-paint rule and that environmental affects of lead paint should be taken into account by remodelers. He regards the Senate's principal sponsor of the reform bill as a "naive, insufficiently informed regulator."

NARI member David Merrick testifies on public and commercial LRRP

NARI provided its statement as part of an overall coalition of associations that are against the extension of LRRP to commercial renovations.  (PDF of testimony)

One-Sided Support Grows on Capitol Hill To Alter Lead-Paint Rule

The number of House members actively backing legislation to alter the lead-paint rule has grown by roughly half since the bill's introduction, but support hasn't been so fast to build in the Senate. And Democrats in both chambers have virtually shunned the bill, the latest support counts show

NAHB Remodeling Leader Presses EPA Chief on Lead-Paint Rule

AHB Remodeling board chair Bill Shaw pressed the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) acting administrator during a meeting last week to approve reliable kits to test for lead-paint and focus more on disciplining contractors who haven’t been certified for lead-paint removal than those who have.

EPA Fines Kansas City MO Company for Lead Paint Rule Violations

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2013/06/06/4276480/epa-fines-lenexa-company-for-lead.html#storylink=cpy

The Environmental Protection Agency said in a release Wednesday that HarenLaughlin Construction Co. will pay $27,286 for not using required practices for lead paint while renovating a multifamily building in Kansas City, Mo.

Fix Lead-Paint Rule, NAHB Remodelers' Chief Urges House Panel

The chairman of NAHB Remodelers called on a House subcommittee to alter the government's lead-paint rule so that it stops restricting consumer choice, quits relying on faulty testing equipment, and doesn't get expanded unduly into commercial space

House Bill Seeks To Revise Lead-Paint Rule

Twenty-two members of the House of Representatives caught up with their Senate colleagues May 22 by introducing legislation to lighten the burdens imposed by the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Lead: Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) rule.

LRRP Amendments Again Introduced in Congress

WASHINGTON, May 22, 2013 – Legislation to revise the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting (LRRP) rule was reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives...

Healthy Schools Program Eliminating Lead; Certified Contractors Needed

The EPA has created a set of guidelines so that all states can maintain a level of quality in education complexes.  Removing lead paint hazards from schools and child care facilities is one of the first steps to reducing lead exposure to young children but it doesn't stop there!

17 Construction Firms Fined By EPA For Lead Paint Violations

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced 17 enforcement actions for violations of the lead-based paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule. The announcement includes 14 settlements that assessed civil penalties of up to $23,000.

EPA Losing a Bundle on RRP Program

According to a recent report from the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of the Inspector General, the EPA is losing money on its lead-based paint program. Based on the agency's estimates since the Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) rule went into effect in 2010, the total loss will amount to $16.4 million by fiscal year 2014, which ends Sept. 30 of that year. Fiscal year 2010 actually turned a profit of $8.9 million, but costs are exceeding fee collections by $25.3 million for 2011 through 2014.

CDC: 535,000 Kids Have Blood With Distressingly High Lead Levels

An estimated 535,000 U.S. children aged 1 to 5 had blood lead levels in 2007-2010 that were high enough to cause concern, a new study by the Centers for Disease Control finds. It says one of the best ways to reduce that risk is to eliminate lead paint hazards in housing

WDMA To Press Congress for Curbs on Lead-Paint Rule

Members of the Window and Door Manufacturers Association also were in town this week. Their chief issue was legislation that would enable most Americans to opt out of mandatory tests for lead-paint dust when crews work on older homes, the association's chairwoman said.

Dealers Press Congress on Lead Rule, Online Sales Tax, Mortgage Interest Deduction

Members of the National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association took to Capitol Hill yesterday and today to lobby members of Congress to support the association's legislative agenda. The visits were a part of the association's annual spring meeting. Dealers' visits with Congress focused on reinstating the opt-out provision in the EPA's lead-paint rule, competing with online retailers, and preserving the mortgage interest deduction.

NARI Supports Senate EPA Lead Rule Reform Bill

Des Plaines, Ill. — March 7, 2013 — The National Association of the Remodeling Industry applauds Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), senior member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee...

RRP Amendment Introduced in Senate, Will Opt-Out Provision Return?

On March 6, 2013, Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) and six cosponsors reintroduced a bill in the Senate titled “The Lead Exposure Reduction Amendments Act of 2013 “  to help ease the burden of the LRRP Rule on Contractors and home owners, while at the same time would also protect pregnant women and small children from lead hazards.

U.S. Senators Query EPA About Proposed Ammendment to Lead Rule

As the Environmental Protection Agency and industry stakeholders fine-tune an amendment to its lead-paint rule that seeks to include commercial and public structures, expect questions—like these from a handful of U.S. senators last week—about where the agency is getting the data to support the desired changes and how it is sharing implementation plans with builders, contractors, and facility operators.

Small Size No Shield Against EPA Lead-Safe Renovation Enforcemen

With a longer list of tools, the EPA moves on lead-safe renovation violators large and small.

EPA Fines 16 Firms for RRP Violation

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced 16 enforcement actions for  violations  of the lead-based paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP). A priority for EPA’s...

Homeowners Unaware of Lead Hazards During Remodeling

Des Plaines, Ill., October 23, 2012— New survey results of NARI remodelers in June 2012 reveal a continued lack of homeowner awareness of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead Renovation...

EPA Delays Commercial Lead Paint Rule Proposal Until 2015

The EPA postponed the lead paint rule for public and commercial buildings until July 1, 2015.

Report Shows EPA Underestimated Costs Tied To Lead Paint Rule

The EPA's Inspector General recently reported on the findings of an investigation into the Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting rule. Not surprisingly, that report determined that the EPA underestimated the rule’s cost and overestimated its benefits.

Trade Groups Lose Lead Paint Rule Opt-Out Challenge (6/26/12)

A federal court denied a petition filed by construction industry trade groups to review the Environmental Protection’s Agency’s (EPA) amendment to its Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule that would eliminate an “opt-out” provision.

Congress Introduces Amendment to Lead Paint Rule

Today, Congressmen John Sullivan (R-Okla.) and Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) introduced H.R. 5911, the Lead Exposure Reduction Amendments Act of 2012, to improve the lead paint rule for remodelers who must comply with the costly work practices and record keeping requirements of the rule

Busted by the EPA: A Coastal Remodeler Faces the RRP Music

Last month the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fined a property owner and two remodelers for violating the Lead RRP rule. One of them was Valiant Home Remodelers, a third-generation replacement contractor based in Carteret, N.J. Valiant's marketing director Paul Pelosi spoke to Coastal Connection about the $1,500 fine it paid and why this incident has been a learning experience...for the company and the EPA.

The Enforcers

An interview with Peter Lawton, former remodeler and the owner of LeadSmart Training Solutions, about the recently introduced amendment that would change the lead-paint safety rules and requirements for homeowners and remodelers.

EPA Rep Gives Lead Paint Enforcement Update

“There are a lot of cases in the pipeline and many others under review,” said Don Lott, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) associate director, waste and chemicals enforcement division, when he presented updates regarding enforcement of the EPA’s Lead Renovation Repair and Painting Rule (LRRP).

NARI Supports Inhofe LRRP Amendements

Remodeling and construction industry associations are throwing their support behind Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe and the Lead Exposure Reduction Amendments Act he introduced last week. The bill's primary goal is to reinstate the opt-out provision of the Lead Repair, Renovation, and Painting Rule, which was removed from the rule by EPA two years ago.

Weighing In On The RRP Opt Out

Both sides of this issue have valid points to consider. Before we make rash decisions have we looked at the entire picture? We can do better than our politicians, but we must think before we act. (This blog includes some interesting and passionate opinions from both sides of the issue.)

3/8/12: Too Little, Too Late on Lead?

Dealers and others wonder what the effect would be if opt out were reinstated.

3/6/12: Dealers Lobby Congress on Lead Paint, Credit Squeeze

Building material dealers from across the nation visited Capitol Hill on March 6th, 2012 to urge Congress to dial back regulations designed to curb exposure to lead-paint dust as well as press bank examiners to increase bank lending to small businesses.

Oklahoma Senator Inhofe Introduces LRRP Amendments

The U.S. Senate will soon begin considering new legislation regarding the Lead Renovation, Repair & Painting Rule (LRRP). Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe is introduced the Lead Exposure Reduction Amendments Act of 2012 (S 2148) in an effort to improve the original law's impact on both homeowners and remodelers.

Lead paint rules costing remodeling jobs, raising prices, remodelers say

Nearly two years into the new world of lead paint rules, remodelers say the regulations are driving up the cost of doing business and pushing clients to hire uncertified contractors.

EPA Stepping Up Lead Rule Inspections; Focusing on Certification, Paperwork

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has stepped up its enforcement of the Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting rule with inspections that focus on company certification and other records required under the rule governing the renovation of older homes, according to remodelers and contractors who have been subject to the inspections.

Home Owners Resisting Increased Costs of Remodeling Under Lead Paint Rule

Owners of homes built before 1978 are balking at the additional cost needed to repair and renovate their homes — an up to 24% increase

Are Special Interest Groups Directing RRP?

Our industry continues to wrestle with RRP compliance, keep up with new RRP regulations, and hold a collective breath about RRP expansion to commercial and public buildings. At times, we have all asked ourselves, “who is writing these requirements and have they ever done our job?”

White House Opposes Bill to Defund RRP

On July 21, 2011, the White House announced their opposition to any funding restrictions for RRP in general, and Bill H.R. 2584 in particular.

Appropriations Committee Votes to Limit Funding for EPA Lead Rule Enforcement

In a rare voice vote, the House Appropriations Committee recently approved an amendment offered by Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.), to limit funding for enforcing the Environmental Protection Agency's Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting rule until the agency provides a more accurate lead paint test kit.

In Victory for Remodelers, EPA Rejects New Clearance Testing Requirements for Lead

The EPA has rejected a proposal to add third-party clearance testing to the Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP).

NAHB Members Urged to Act Immediately to Support Rep. Rehberg on Lead Paint Rule

Responding to concerns from NAHB Remodelers, affiliated trade groups and other contractors in his home state and the rest of the country, Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.) is putting additional pressure on the Environmental Protection Agency to make much-needed improvements to the Lead: Repair, Renovation and Painting rule.

OSHA Issues Lead Exposure Notice to National Park Service

OSHA has issued 16 notices of unhealthful and unsafe working conditions to the National Park Service-San Juan National Historic Site.

EPA Turning Lead-Safe Renovation Into a Regulatory Nightmare, Letter Complains

NAHB has asked the House Committee on Small Business to convene a panel to discuss the failure of the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) rule, citing its excessive regulatory burdens and costs.

Contractor Survey: New EPA Rule to Increase Costs

Wall Street Journal reporter, Sarah Needleman blogs about how the EPA LRRP and soon-to-come “Lead Clearance Rule” negatively impacts remodeling businesses.  The comments by Contractors are very telling.

Natural Disasters in the Southeast cause EPA to Urge Caution on Restoration Activities Involving Lead-based Paint

Due to recent tornadoes, severe and straight-line winds, storms, and flooding in the Southeastern United States, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 is cautioning homeowners, volunteers, and other workers to take steps to ensure that individuals, especially children, are not at increased risk for lead poisoning, because of clean up and/or repair work.

EPA Publishes First RRP Enforcement of Lead Safe Work Practices

(Boston, Mass. – May 16, 2011) – A Rockland, Maine renovator is facing penalties for allegedly violating requirements designed to protect children from exposure to lead-based paint during painting and other renovation activities.

NAHB Lead Paint Lawsuit Against EPA Moves Forward

NAHB has filed its opening brief in what could be a drawn-out legal battle with the Environmental Protection Agency.  Resolution not likely until next year.

EPA Paint Policy Foes Take Fight to Second Agency

WASHINGTON - Ignored by one agency (EPA), a group of U.S. senators led by Oklahoma Republican Jim Inhofe has contacted a second agency about its concerns that a lead paint proposal could backfire and weaken protections for children and pregnant women.

Senators Complain About Proposal to Add Clearance Testing to EPA's Lead Rule

The Environmental Protection Agency’s plan to add clearance testing to its Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting (LRRP) rule has come under attack by 11 Senate Republicans.

Window & Siding Company to Pay Fine for Lead Notification Violations

A Milford, Conn. company has agreed to pay $30,702 to settle claims by EPA that it failed to provide lead hazard information to home owners or occupants before doing renovations that may have disturbed surfaces coated with lead-based paint.

4/4/11: NAHB Files Brief in Lawsuit Against EPA for Eliminating Lead Rule’s Opt-Out Provision

NAHB has filed an opening brief explaining why it is suing the Environmental Protection Agency for eliminating a provision in its lead rule that allowed home owners to opt out of some of the rule’s renovation requirements.

Company to Pay for Failing to Notify of Lead-Paint Risk

Permanent Siding and Windows, based in Milford, Conn., has agreed to pay $30,702 to settle claims by EPA that it failed to provide lead-hazard information to homeowners or occupants before doing renovations that may have disturbed surfaces coated with lead-based paint.

Mass DOS Speaks on Contractor RRP Enforcement

Mass DOS announced it is planning on increasing RRP enforcement on contractors as soon as spring breaks. On Friday 3/11/2011. Ernie Kelly of the DOS indicated that they may use the team approach and concentrate enforcement efforts on a few towns at a time. For example a group of RRP inspectors may target 4-5 connected towns and stay there for 2 or 3 days.

3/15/11: Dealers Lobby Congress on 1099 Mandate, Lead-Paint Rule, Innocent Sellers

Scores of building material dealers and association executives went to Capitol Hill to urge members of Congress to repeal a paperwork mandate spawned by last year's health care reform package, halt expansion of intensely disliked Environmental Protection Agency rules on lead paint, and protect dealers from getting caught up in product-related lawsuits simply because they sold the product.

Builders Working With EPA to Clear Up Confusion Over Lead Rule Enforcement

In a recent conference call with NAHB and the Building Industry Association of Southern California, the EPA’s Region IX discussed how it is going about the inspection process in its area and what will be required of businesses to show they are in compliance.

Remodelers Asked to Comment on Certification, Recordkeeping Costs of Lead Rule

Remodelers and contractors who are trained and certified under the Environmental Protection Agency’s Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) rule now have the opportunity to provide the agency with comments on the cost of certification and recordkeeping under the new regulation.

NAHB Members Selected to Advise in Lead Paint Rulemaking

Four NAHB members have been named as small entity representatives (SERs) by the small business advisory review (SBAR) panel assisting with the renovation, repair and painting for commercial and public buildings rulemaking.

Remodelers Asked to Comment on Certification, Recordkeeping Costs of Lead Rule

Remodelers and contractors who are trained and certified under the Environmental Protection Agency’s Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) rule now have the opportunity to provide the agency with comments on the cost of certification and recordkeeping under the new regulation.

RRP Paperwork Requirements Under Review By The EPA

On January 26, 2011, in compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, the EPA posted a request for comments which it will pass on to the Office of Budget and Management as it seeks to renew with or without modification the Information Collection request (ICR) as originally set up in the RRP Final Rule.


EPA Seeking Feedback on LRRP Costs

The Environmental Protection Agency has published an information collection request for the costs and burdens to firms engaged in activities affected by the agency's Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting regulations, reports the Window & Door Dealers Alliance.  Comments must be received on or before March 28, 2011, and can be made electronically.

White House Orders Regulatory Review

The Obama Administration’s action to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens on the nation’s industries will help promote economic growth and job creation while providing welcome relief from regulations -- including the Lead Paint: Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule -- that add costs but do not achieve intended results, according to NAHB.

Contractors getting on board, though misconceptions persist

Eight months into the new regulation, large numbers of remodelers appear to be toeing the new regulatory line as best they can, even as another, more vocal group continues to denounce it as burdensome and unworkable.

NARI Appeals for Stricter Lead Rule Enforcement

In a letter addressed to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) requested stricter enforcement of the Lead Renovation, Repair and

NLBMDA Urges House Panel To Review Lead-Paint Rule, OSHA Agenda

The National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association (NLBMDA) is urging the new chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to review--and fight--the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) lead-paint rule as well as three Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) programs that the dealer group dislikes.

Multi-city Effort Seeks to Spur RRP Compliance

A coordinated campaign involving partners in more than ten major U.S. cities has been operating since September to promote compliance with the EPA’s Remodeling, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule by contractors, landlords, government agencies and others covered by the Rule.

12/20/10: NAHB Asks Senate Panel to Address EPA's Lead Paint 'Regulatory Nightmare'

In recent comments delivered to the U.S. Senate Small Business Committee, NAHB told congressional leaders that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's lead paint regulations for remodeling jobs in homes built before 1978 urgently need to be fixed.

New EPA Lead Dust Standard Would Hike Remodeling Clean-Up Costs

A change in the lead dust hazard standard from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency would add markedly to the cost and time required to remodel homes built before 1978, according to NAHB.

EPA RRP Lead Rule Development History and President Obama's Involvement

Posted on The Contractor Coackhing Partnership Web Site Blog, this article by Mike Finley from ContractorTalk.com, tells the story quite well. Notice how much was budgeted for enforcement.

NARI Letter Submitted to Senate about RRP Rule Speaks to Contractor Concerns

In a recent letter submitted to the US Senate, NARI Executive Director Mary Busey Harris did a great job advising the EPA of critical concerns legitimate remodelers have about the EPA’s creation, enforcement and administration of the RRP Lead Rule. 

11/19/2010: EPA Certifies 511,000 Lead-Safe Renovators, Launches Consumer Awareness Magazine Ads

The EPA reported that it has stepped up its campaign to inform consumers of the need to use certified remodelers when remodeling homes built before 1978.

11/19/2010: NAHB Testifies Before Sentate on Burden of Lead Regulation

NAHB again told Senate leaders this week that the EPA’s lead paint regulations that apply to all jobs in homes built before 1978 need to be fixed – sooner rather than later.

Don't Delay

The EPA sends a mixed message when it comes to enforcing the Renovation, Repair and Painting rule.



One JLC forum asked: "Now that the EPA's rules for lead-safe practices in remodeling work have kicked in, what, if any, has been the effect so far on your work and your business?"  Some interesting comments

10/22/10: Citing Absence of Affordable Test Kit, NAHB Asks EPA to Amend Lead Rule

In a letter sent on Sept. 17, NAHB has petitioned U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson to amend the agency’s Lead: Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule “to reflect the lack of an improved EPA-recognized test kit and the economic ramifications stemming from the unavailability of such a test kit.”

EPA Deturmines How Fines Will Be Assessed For RRP Rule Violations

With penalties ranging from as little as $130 to as much as $37,500 per violation, per day, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s schedule of fines for violating the Lead: Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule demonstrate that the federal government is serious about its intentions regarding enforcement.

10/8/10: Consultant Urges Construction Products Firms to Cooperate

BALTIMORE -- If the remodeling industry is going to change the view that many of its products are commodity items, leaders of individual companies are going to have to work together for the common good of the industry, a consultant advises. “We need leaders in the industry to talk to people in government”

Cities Pioneer True Local Enforcement of EPA’s RRP Rule through Permitting Process

A few cities – including Schenectady, NY; Burlington, VT; and Superior, WI – have adopted or are adopting policies to integrate RRP requirements into their building permitting practices, and all municipalities in Minnesota will soon begin verifying RRP certification of firms seeking key permits for work on pre-1978 homes.

10/4/10: Remodelers Count on Dealers re Lead Rule--Survey

But poll indicates that dealers sometimes lack the materials remodelers need

9/29/10: Shawn McCadden and REMODELING Magazine Team Up on RRP Survey

Remodeling readers weigh in on everything from where they get RRP supplies to their views on reporting uncertified operators.

9/20/10: Racine Wisconsin housing program creating lead hazard, city employee says; Stimulus project may violate lead-safe practices

Racine's Neighborhood Stabilization Program is under investigation by the State Department of Health Services after a city employee flagged dozens of potential lead paint violations on city-owned homes. 


9/20/10: Citing Absence of Affordable Test Kit, NAHB Asks EPA to Amend Lead Rule

“Without an affordable means to determine whether a property contains regulated amounts of lead-based paint, millions of properties that have no lead-based paint hazard will be subject to costly lead-safe work practices,” the letter said. 

States Begin to Take Over Enforcement of EPA Lead Rule

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has become the ninth state to take over enforcement of the EPA’s Lead RRP rule, the EPA announced on July 13.

8/19/10: NAHB Disagrees With EPA Plans to Expand Lead Paint Rule to Commercial Buildings

Coalition argues the EPA has not collected data on potential lead-based paint dust exposure risks to children from renovation work in pre-1978 commercial buildings.

8/12/10: Dealers Group Urges GAO To Examine Proposed Lead-Paint Rule

A recently formed trade group for window and door dealers urges the Government Accounting Office, Congress' investigative arm, to look into what the trade group describes as deficiencies in the studies that the Environmental Protection Agency relied upon in its proposal to toughen a newly launched rule governing renovations and retrofits in homes with lead-based paint.

8/12/10: 7 Drivers Toward More Enforcement of the Lead Rule

"If you are concerned about your costs of doing business now, I'm afraid that you haven't seen anything yet."

8/11/10: NLBMDA To EPA: Don't Add New Test to Lead Rule

Dust-wipe test, other verifications add problems to a rule that already lacks proper legal justification, association says

7/22/10: Lead Check Still The Only EPA RRP Approved Test Kit

In an announcement by the EPA on Thursday last week, Hybrivet Systems, makers of LeadCheck® Swabs, received confirmation that their test kits will continue to be recognized for use on RRP related work.  The announcement serves to put closure on any rumors or fears that their test kit might not be approved after September of this year. 

EPA and Partners Defend their PSA Campaign, Despite Objections from ACA and Others; ACA Lodges Complaint and Requests Correction of Information

The association believes the print and video information and depictions used in the PSAs are dangerously misleading and wholly misrepresent the coatings industry and its products. Instead of focusing on proper work practices, including the hiring of a qualified contractor or educating consumers

Lead RRP - Reality Check

Has the Environmental Protection Agency really done its due diligence in connecting the dots between the supposed danger and the required remedy?

NAHB to Sue EPA over Lead Paint Regulations

A coalition of housing industry groups joined the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) today in announcing plans to file a lawsuit against the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for removing the “opt-out” provision from its Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting rule.

7/7/2010: Lead Paint Rule Comment Period Extended to Aug 6th 

The comment period for the EPA's proposal to add clearance testing to the lead rule has been extended to Aug. 6. Remodelers and other affected industry professionals are urged to take this extra time to submit comments against adding lead dust testing and meeting lead clearance for specific remodeling activities.

EPA Cites Company $784,380 for Failing to Warn Residents of Lead-Based Paint Exposures

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently filed a complaint and proposed a $784,380 penalty against Hanson’s Window and Construction Inc. of Madison Heights, Mich., for violations of the 1998 federal rule for failure to warn residents of potential lead-based paint exposures. 

6/28/10: EPA: Our Delay in Lead Rule Affects Certification Only

Agency's new document clarifies June 18 memo on the controversial program

6/22/10: EPA to Delay Enforcing Lead-Paint Regulation

This Wall Street Journal article offers some interesting perspectives about the EPA RRP.  The comments posted by readers are diverse, interesting and many are passionate.

6/22/10: Lead Rule Delayed? Not So Fast.

Well known attorney D.S. Berenson looks more closely at the EPA's recent lead rule memo and comes away troubled.

6/21/10: NAHB Applauds EPA'S Decision to Delay Lead Paint Certification Enforcement

The EPA released the enforcement delay memo on June 18, explaining that contractors who have enrolled in Certified Renovator training with an EPA-approved training provider by September 30 will not face enforcement, as long as the training is completed by December 30

***This delay only applies to the certification requirements.  Check out this posting on RRPedia for additional clarification and to share your thoughts.

5/31/10: EPA Denies Flexibility on Lead Paint Rule to Speed Flood Recovery Efforts in Tennessee

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has denied recent requests by the Home Builders Association of Tennessee and NAHB for flexibility on the newly-enacted Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting rule in order to speed the recovery of communities in western Tennessee devastated by floodwaters early last month.

5/27/10: Senate moves to put off lead-paint violation fines!

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Senate passed legislation Thursday to block fines temporarily under a rule that requires certification to remove lead paint in homes and certain facilities built prior to 1978.

5/25/10: AAMA Urges Delay in EPA Lead Rule

Rich Walker, president and CEO of the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA), met with the staff of U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) and is pushing for the a one-year delay in implementing the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Lead: Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule (LRRP).

5/17/2010: EPA Lead Paint Rule to Expand, Complicates Flood Relief Efforts in Nashville

Even with the opt-out clause in effect, the lead rule has had remodelers scrambling in Tennessee, where flood waters damaged or destroyed some 2,000 homes in the Nashville area alone, according to news reports. EPA records showed that in mid May there were 113 accredited firms and one accredited trainer in Tennessee, a state in which there are 18,500 licensed remodeling contractors. 

5/6/10: EPA Lead Rule Costing Sales at 25% of Building Material Dealers, Survey Finds

Roughly 5% said renovators have returned materials

EPA Announces Newly Proposed Amendments to the EPA RRP Rule  

In an April 23 news release, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced release of two new amendments to the EPA RRP Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting rule regarding dust wipe testing and their intention to apply the rule to public and commercial buildings

On April 22, 2010. the EPA Added an Amendment to the EPA RRP Rule Regarding Documentation.

The amendment requires renovators to provide certain documentation to owners, tenants and others within 30 days after completion of a renovation project.  The amendment will take effect 60 days after publication in the Federal Register, publication is expected to happen sometime in early May 2010. 

Click here for a summary of what will be required posted on RRPedia

4/23/10: EPA Softens Stance on Firm Certification to Allow Work to Continue

In a letter dated 4/20/2010, the EPA announced that it does not intend to take enforcement actions against firms who applied for the required firm certification before April 22, 2010 and are just waiting for their paperwork.  

4/22/2010: DS Berenson Responds to EPA's RRP Announcement Regarding Opt-Out Provision

In what is likely to quickly prove to be a regrettable action for the remodeling and home improvement industry, says attorney DS Berenson of Johanson Berenson in Great Falls, Va.,  the EPA has announced it is eliminating the "opt-out" provision that currently allows a homeowner to "waive" the use of lead safe work practices by a renovation firm. 

4/14/2010: Senator Specter Discusses Lead, Other Issues, with Door and Window Manufacturer Reps

Approximately 50 members of the door and window industry, including members of the Northeast Window and Door Association, met with Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) to discuss issues of importance to them. The top issue on most members' minds was the looming lead paint regulations, set to take effect on April 22.  

4/9/2010: NLBMDA Presses EPA To Delay Lead Rule; EPA Says It's 'On Target'

Dealers' group endorses NAHB petition to start later than April 22

The National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association urged the Environmental Protection Agency to delay the April 22 launch date of a rule. NLBMDA says there hasn't been enough proper preparation to implement the rule, but the EPA said it is "on target" for an April 22 start.

4/6/2010: House Minority Leader Asks EPA To Revisit Lead Rule

Boehner wouldn't, but NAHB requests delay to April 22 enactment date

House Minority Leader John Boehner has urged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator to look anew at a soon-to-be-enacted EPA rule designed to control the spread of dust from lead-based paint when old homes are renovated. While the Ohio Republican stopped short of requesting a delay in the rule's April 22 enforcement date, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) today formally petitioned the EPA to delay action.

Click here to read the HAHB petition

NY NARI Contractors Organize March on Washington Regarding Upcoming Lead Regulations

A group of Long Island contractors will march on Washington, D.C., on April 15 to ask legislators "for an immediate postponement and modification" of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) new regulations regarding lead. The group supports delaying the April 22 implementation date and keeping in the opt-out clause.

3/26/2010: Senators Send Bipartisan Letter Urging EPA Action on Lead Rule

Senators point out that jobs and health at risk, as thousands of contractors have yet to be certified

3/22/2010: NARI Leaders Deliver Appeal on Capitol Hill

Read this update from NARI National regarding NARI's efforts to help delay the effective date of the EPA RRP rule

Uncertainty Abounds as Lead-Safe Remodeling Deadline Nears

A report from JLC: Tough new EPA rules take effect April 22. But few remodelers are up to speed on the technical and paperwork requirements - and even the EPA doesn't have all the answers.

March 11, 2010: NLBMDA, Others Seek Delay in EPA Lead Rule 

The National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association and 11 other associations and institutions joined this week in urging two Senate committees to seek a delay in the Environmental Protection Agency's Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting rule.

Click here to view a copy of the letter


Eastern MA NARI Chapter tries to get their questions about the RRP answered by the EPA Region One Office in Boston...

Shawn McCadden and other NARI members have been interacting with the Boston EPA office.  Click here for an update.

In Victory forRemodelers, EPA Rejects New Clearance Testing Requirements for Lead



Shawn, thanks for making things like this available. It is a bit laborious keeping up with the requirements but needs to be done. On a brighter note, do you plan to be at JLC Portland? Mark