How Should Remodelers Be Prequalifying and Selling To Generation Y?
A recent guest blog posted here at the Design Builders Blog was written by a Generation Y member. The author, Mark Brown, offered some advice for contractors on how to work with Gen Y employees. His blog created quite a discussion with over 38 thoughtful comments as of posting this blog from contractors and employees from all generations. One contractor praised the blog and the discussion but also brought up another very valid consideration for contractors and remodelers: How to sell to Gen Y clients? The answer to that question is probably a very big conversation and a very involved one as well.
One thing is for sure. Trying to force Gen Y to buy remodeling (or anything) the way you have always sold to other generations isn’t going to work. That said how about bringing the answer down to a few simple but big picture considerations to help get the conversation started and offer some direction. With a new direction in mind, you can then seek out and get the remodeling sales training you will need to sell to this new customer type.
If you can’t beat Generation Y, why not join them
The members of Gen Y are used to getting information instantly and for free. Almost every one of them has a smart phone and can Google any subject or topic to find instant answers or information, all at no cost to them. And they can get that information at any time of the day or night they want it. That desire and internet content available about anything you can think of has definitely defined how Gen Y does their research and makes their remodeling or home improvement buying decisions.
For contractors who have always sold to the generations born prior to Gen Y, the idea of providing instant and free information about a remodeling project for some young kid who isn’t ready to buy or make a decision without first checking you and your suggestions out online using social media throws a monkey wrench into any veteran contractor’s long standing selling process. Those changes probably also all but kill a contractor’s sales closes rates when it comes to Gen Y remodeling and home improvement prospects.
“The reality to recognize is that Gen Y isn’t going to change. So, contractors need to change how they both market to and sell to Generation Y if they want to do business with them.”
Save yourself a lot of time, give them what they want
If your construction or remodeling business doesn’t have a web site, stop reading right now or recognize and commit to the fact that you better get one up right away if you want to sell to Gen Y. Done right, and it must be done right, a contractor’s web site offers a place to give Generation Y, and any other generation for that matter, the information they need to work through their decision making process and prequalify your business as a good option for them to consider. If you’re strategic and you put the right information on your site, you won’t need to waste your time doing live sales calls with someone who would never have bought from you anyway and or who isn't far enough along yet in their decision making process to make any commitments that will include money.
What Information Should a Contractor’s website have on it?
Good question. It has a lot to do with how Generation Y makes remodeling decisions. I’ll offer some advice and suggestions on that topic in a follow up blog to be titled “If you don’t or won’t offer Generation Y Prospects what they want they will go away”