Refresher: Exemptions to RRP Work Practices
It’s probably been a while since you took your RRP Certified Renovator Training Class. This is the first of several blog posts that will be added to RRPedia in the next few months or so to help renovators keep important details about the RRP rule top of mind when selling, estimating or performing RRP renovations.
The RRP Rule's required work practices may be waived under the following conditions:
- The home or child occupied facility was built after 1978.
- The property is used as housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities, unless any child who is less than 6 years of age resides or is expected to reside in such housing
- The property is a zero-bedroom dwelling, such as studio apartments or dormitories.
- The renovations are performed by the home owner(s) themselves
- The renovations are performed without compensation (Examples might include friends, brother-in-law, or volunteers)
- The repairs are minor, with interior work disturbing less than six square feet of painted surfaces per room or exteriors disturbing less than 20 square feet of painted surfaces on the entire envelope.
- The work practices do not apply if the entire house or specifically affected components,
as described within a scope of work for the project, test lead free by a Certified Risk Assessor, Lead Inspector or Certified Renovator
- In the case that renovations are for emergency or interim control purposes, the work practices do not apply. However, in these situations, the cleaning practices and cleaning verification are still required.
I did a RRP videos series for Remodeling magazine shortly after the RRP Rule went into effect. In video #6 titled; Exemptions to RRP Work Practices, I offer examples of when, where and why the RRP rule and work practices are not required under the rule. The video stresses that even if the work practices are not required under the RRP rule, your business will still be liable if lead poisoning and or contamination results from the way work is performed.
Also, in the video contractor insurance expert Tom Messier of Mason and Mason Insurance stresses the importance of verifying proper and adequate insurance coverage to protect your business, available coverage options as well as related costs for coverage.