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Blatant Violation of RRP Rule in Maine displayed on YouTube

Posted by Shawn McCadden on Mon, Oct 18, 2010 @ 11:43 AM

RRP Violations in Maine Captured on Video:

Blatant and Dangerous Violation of RRP Rule in Rockland Maine displayed on YouTube

The following Video was posted to YouTube on October 11th, 2010 by “reallyrural”.   The video shows RRP violations in ME at a jobsite.  It’s probably only a matter of time before we see more of these videos.  



The following information was posted to YouTube along with the video above.

83 Park Street, Rockland Maine, October 11 2010
Project started within the last week.
No EPA or HUD Lead Safe Practices slowing these guys down.
Section 8 Housing, Children under 6
There are strollers and children’s toys in the backyard covered in Lead Dust,
No steps were taken to contain the chips or dust that extends out onto the public sidewalk that is a favorite place to walk with strollers and toddlers...

No attempts of any sort of cleanup at the end of the day.

Once the Tenants start testing positive for lead poisoning this should get interesting...

RRP Violations and EPA RRP InspectionOSHA RRP Violations

Update: This is a Landlord project using his handymen.
OSHA and the Maine EPA have visited and the project is in cleanup mode. Maine EPA used emergency powers to get this going in the right direction.

They are now cleaning up using a HEPA vac.



Topics: Videos, Personal Protection, OSHA - EPA Challenges, Enforcement and Inspections, Violation Reports