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Abatement vs. Renovation: Know the Difference

Posted by Shawn McCadden on Thu, Oct 14, 2010 @ 08:00 AM

Abatements vs. Renovations What's the Difference?

Difference between abatement and renovationRenovators doing RRP work definitely need to know the difference between renovations and abatement.   Unless specifically licenced to do so, renovators are not allowed to do abatement work.  Renovators would be wise to make sure property owners know the difference as well.  Employees should also be clear on the difference between renovations vs abatement, so as not to misrepresent the work they are doing when discussing a remodeling project with clients and prospects.

Abatements vs Renovations

Abatement means an activity designed to permanently eliminate lead paint hazards. Abatement includes any of the following:

  • The removal of lead paint and lead-contaminated dust; the permanent enclosure (barrier) or encapsulation (special paint coating) of lead paint; the replacement of lead-painted surfaces or fixtures; the removal or covering of lead-contaminated soil; and any preparation, cleanup, disposal, and post-abatement clearance testing associated with these activities.
  • A project for which there is a contract indicating that a company will be performing work on a housing unit, day care center, preschool, or kindergarten that is designed to permanently remove lead paint hazards.
  • -A project resulting in the permanent removal of lead paint hazards, conducted by a certified abatement company.
  • What is abatement?A project resulting in the permanent removal of lead paint hazards, conducted by a company who, through its name or promotional literature, represents, or advertises to be in the business of performing lead paint activities.
  • A project resulting in the permanent removal of lead paint hazards that is conducted in response to a state or local government lead abatement order, as in the case of a lead poisoned child.

Abatements are generally performed in three circumstances:

  • In response to a child with an elevated blood lead level
  • In housing receiving HUD financial assistance
  • State and local laws and regulations may require abatements in certain situations associated with rental housing.

RRP ManualAbatements are not covered by the RRP rule.

Renovations are performed for many reasons, most having nothing to do with lead-based paint. Renovations involve activities designed to update, maintain, or modify all or part of a building. Renovations are covered by the RRP rule.



Other terms and definitions:

Painting and Coatings terms and definitions

Glossary and Definitions of EPA RRP Terms

Topics: Sales Considerations, Definitions, Info for Landlords, EPA RRP for Dummies