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RRP and OSHA Requirements; What's Wrong With This Picture?

Posted by Shawn McCadden on Sat, Oct 02, 2010 @ 08:00 AM

RRP and OSHA Requirements; What's Wrong With This Picture?

The picture below was published in a small Massachusetts news service.   I am purposely leaving out the name of the news service and this contractor.  There was no story with the picture, only a caption that gave this person's name, business name and discussed that he was "removing layers of paint from an 1800s historic house on Main Street in preparation for a fresh coat of paint".  The picture was e-mailed around between several association leaders and employees of OSHA as well as the MA Department of Occupational Safety.  The guy in the picture probably thought he had stumbled upon some free advertising....


There are a whole host of OSHA violations and RRP violations in this picture.  I am throwing it out there so you can use the comment section below to tell us what you see.   I am betting together we can find at least 30 seperate violations.  


What's wrong with this picture

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Topics: Health Effects of Lead, EPA RRP for Dummies, Work Practices, Personal Protection, OSHA - EPA Challenges, Enforcement and Inspections