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RRP Rule Interior Containment General Requirements

Posted by Shawn McCadden on Wed, Sep 29, 2010 @ 08:43 AM

RRP Rule Interior Containment General Requirements:

Lead Test KitThe RRP rule requires that dust and debris be controlled in the work area while working in homes built prior to 1978 unless all effected components of the renovation are properly tested and lead is not found.  You can find information about the legal definition of lead paint and the accuracy of testing methods here.


In general, renovations that involve only a small amount of paint disturbance create less dust than jobs that involve larger areas of paint disturbance. However, in addition to the size of the area of paint disturbed, the work practices (e.g., sanding) and equipment used will also affect how much dust is created and how the dust migrates. The location of the work activity also has a bearing on the amount of dust that is distributed. For example, small areas of ceiling work can spread dust over the entire room and are very difficult to control.

Zip Wall containmentRequired containment is similar for all jobs, but jobs that generate more dust and debris may require protection of larger areas. While the Rule does not require vertical containment, such systems may be helpful in limiting the size of the area affected by the work and may reduce the area that must be cleaned at the end of the job. Pre-engineered containment systems (purchased and home-made) are very helpful in cutting time spent on the job erecting containment and are easier to install than hanging plastic sheeting with tape. These systems also allow the contractor to create a sealed room within a room where the dust can be completely contained to a limited and controlled area.   Click here to download a helpful list of tools and supplies for RRP work.

Remember, you are responsible for making sure that dust and debris remain inside of the contained work area. When planning containment, keep in mind how, how much, and where the work practices to be used will create dust, and plan accordingly.  This information should also be considered when estimating the cost to do the work.

General requirements for interior containment:

Warning signPosted signs: These must be posted on all sides of the work area to define the work area, must be in the primary language of occupants, must be posted before the beginning of the renovation, and must remain until cleaning verification is achieved.
Contain the work area: Before renovation, isolate the work area to prevent the escape of dust. During work, maintain the containment integrity and ensure that containment does not interfere with occupant and worker egress from the home or work area.
Remove or cover furniture/objects: Remove (preferred) objects like furniture, rugs, window coverings; or cover them with plastic sheeting with all seams and edges taped.
Cover floors: Cover floors including carpets in the work area with taped down plastic sheeting or other impermeable material to 6 feet beyond the perimeter of surfaces undergoing renovation or to a distance sufficient to contain dust, whichever is greater.
Close and seal doorways and close windows: Close and seal doorways and close windows in the work area with plastic sheeting or other impermeable material. Doors used as entrances to the work area must be covered with plastic sheeting that allows workers to pass through while confining dust to the work area.
Cover duct openings: Close and cover all HVAC vents in the work area with taped down plastic sheeting or other impermeable materials (e.g., magnetic covers).
Remove dust and debris from everything leaving the work area: Use precautions to ensure that all personnel, tools and all other items are free from dust and debris before being removed from the work area.

If you are looking for forms and signage to help you with comply with the EPA RRP rule, I recommend you check out what The Lead Paint Forms Store has to offer.

Topics: Production Considerations, Estimating Considerations, Work Practices, RRP for Dummies, Containment Considerations, Tools and Supplies