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EPA Offers Clarification About Approved EPA RRP Lead Test Kits

Posted by Shawn McCadden on Thu, Jul 15, 2010 @ 01:53 PM

EPA Approved Lead Test Kits

Trainers and renovators have been expressing some confusion about the EPA approved lead test kits.  The confusion revolves around whether the current test kits can still be used and/or if and when they might be replaced.


7/15/10: The following is the most recent information and communication about EPA approved lead test kits sent from EPA Headquarters in DC to each of the EPA regions. 


EPA LogoEPA Communication to EPA Region Headquarters:

"I wanted to take this opportunity to clarify an RRP issue because I understand that there may be some mis-information that may have been given out to training providers.  I understand that training providers have been told they should not buy a lot of the currently available test kits because they will not be valid after September 1.  This is incorrect.  I would appreciate it if you would ask your staff to clarify this with the training providers in particular.

 Background on Test Kits

  • EPA has recognized two Phase 1 test kits (LeadCheck and State of Massachusetts kit) for use in determining if there is lead-based paint in target housing and child-occupied facilities.  These are currently being used by renovators and in renovator training classes.
  • These kits will continue to be recognized until EPA recognizes Phase 2 kits.  The Phase 1 kits do not automatically sunset on September 1 or any other date in the absence of approved Phase 2 kits.
  • EPA, under the Office of Research and Development’s (ORD) Envirnomental Testing Verification (ETV) process is currently evaluating 4 test kits for the Phase 2 criteria.  At this time we do not know if any of the kits will pass.

 We should have results in late July and will share that with you and post the preliminary results on the web."

Note: This information was shared with me by Joe Moriarty of LeadCheck.  LeadCheck® Swabs is the only EPA recognized rapid lead detection product available for RRP use by EPA Certified Renovators.

Topics: RRP Questions, EPA RRP Rule Updates, Tools and Supplies, Lead Test Kits and Testing